Contact us

At Yelda Cosmetics, we value your comments and feedback.

Chat with Sara

Chat with Sara, Our Yelda Cosmetics Virtual Assistant .


Submit a request using the form below, or email us directly at .


You can reach us by telephone at +33 766124107 (Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.).

Customer service

If you have any questions about an order or product, please contact our Customer Service team via whatever method is most convenient for you. To enable us to answer your question as quickly as possible, please include your order number where relevant.

Check out our FAQ for additional help!

Other requests

For press inquiries, please email PRESS@YELDACOSMETICS.COM .

For any questions or concerns regarding privacy, please review our PRIVACY POLICY or contact us.

Contact us

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